The ghost of the discarded photos
We take dozens of photos of each passer-by who gift us with his travel history and his portrait. Afterward we must select the photos for the exhibition: we must choose the best photo for each of the subjects, the most interesting one, the one that tells in the best way, the one most successful; moreover we want to select the portraits most consistent with the idea of the project. How? The old fashioned way: hard discussion around a table at the little bar of cinema Beltrade. Sometimes it goes the easy way and there's no doubts; some other times it is a very complicated task. There are too many pictures, and each one of us sees something special in a different photo. Multiply by hundreds of photos and you get the picture of the "Selection Session Evening". We have to rush because the exhibition opening is approaching rapidly! What an headache!
Si comincia con un'attenta e meditata osservazione |
Ognuno dice la sua, ma non sempre ci si trova d'accordo |
«Non puoi non vederlo, nella seconda ha il sopracciglio alzato di mezzo millimetro!» |
Gli animi si scaldano |
La discussione degenera, qualcuno si lascia andare a gesti da stadio |
Un clima decisamente poco sportivo |
Si impone una pausa di riflessione |
Anche troppa riflessione |
Chi ce l'ha fatto fare? |
L'amore per la fotografia, ovviamente! |
E per i copricapo bizzarri |
E in generale... |
Finisce tutto a tarallucci e vino |
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